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 ACTiv Elite Performers Terms & Conditions/Private Policy 





I. Privacy Statement/Conditions

  1. You authorize your enrolment details to be used by ACTiv Elite Performers in accordance with the objects of ACTiv. This information will be held in an online, password protected database and I understand I may access information at any time.

  2. I authorize ACTiv to forward any relevant information to ACTiv insurance companies.

  3. I also agree to ACTiv sending me information including promotions.

  4. I acknowledge and consent to photographs and video footage being taken of myself or of my child for training, performances and promotional material without my further consent being obtained.

  5. I authorize the publication of competition results and other related achievements.

II. Registration Fee

  1. A non-refundable registration fee is payable upon registration. This fee covers administration, copyright and property fees for music, public liability and injury insurance.

III. Term Fees

  1. 100% of term fees are due within the first THREE weeks of the term’s commencement. Late fees at the rate $20 will incur if prior arrangements haven’t been put in place.

  2. Refunds are not given for missed classes. Make up classes are available per the class teachers discretion but if student is unable to take the offered make up class, no refunds are given.

  3. Private lessons must be paid in full or 4 weeks in advance. Private lessons are still charged if ACTiv is given less than 24 hours notice.

  4. Please speak to management if you require a payment plan.

  5. Payments can be made via Direct Deposit. Banking details are as follows ACTiv Elite Performers BSB 012-081 Account number 458176913. Please put your child’s last name as a reference.

IV. Late Fee’s

  1. Students with outstanding fees will not be able to participate in classes, performances, eisteddfods or concerts.

VI. Responsibility

  1. It is the responsibility of students and parents to check our notice board, facebook groups, newsletters and all means of communication to be aware of changes and upcoming events.

  2. Parents and guardians are to wait outside during class*(unless otherwise specified).

*Does not apply to Rugrats class.

  1. Students are expected to clean up any rubbish of their own and respect the studio facility.

  2. Any damages incurred by a student must be paid for by student and/or family.

  3. Appropriate and non-offensive clothing must be worn by students. Uniforms are available but are not compulsory.

  4. If a student misses too many classes it will depend on the opinion of the class teacher as to whether or not that student will be ready for their performance.

  5. If you wish to speak with a teacher please do so before or after class – not during.

  6. Students are not to exit the studio premise without consent of parent or guardian. This request must be made by signing a document at the office.

  7. When a student leaves ACTiv studio they are no longer under the care of ACTiv Elite Performers and no responsibility will be taken.

  8. If a member of the ACTiv community is asked to leave the studio for dangerous, inappropriate, irresponsible or offensive behavior, no refunds for missed lessons will be given, and it is at the sole discretion of the director to decide whether or not a permanent expulsion is necessary.

VII. Medical Conditions/Injuries

  1. I give permission for ACTiv to seek medical attention for my child in an emergency and I understand I will be responsible for any costs that incur.

  2. Students must notify their teachers of any illness or injury that may affect their participation in class or during performances.

  3. Activ accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, or illness, sustained by students in the normal course of instruction, including when taking part in any rehearsals or concert perfomances.

  4. You will adhere to our COVID 19 policy, and have instructed your child on their expected behavior with regard to our COVID 19 policy also.

Thanking you, Charisse Graber

Director of ACTiv Elite Performers Pty Ltd

Address: 6/40 Waterview St Carlton
Phone: 0403 806 599

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